Tuesday 26 November 2013


Arctognathus is a small gorgonopsid characterized by a short and rounded snout. Two species, A. curvimola and A. breviceps are currently recognized with two other more questionable ones, A. cookei and A. nasuta.

I Name
Arctognathus curvimola
(Owen, 1876) Broom, 1911
Meaning of generic name
Bear jaw
Skull length: 18 cm ,Length: 1.1 m?
Holotype (BMNH 47339): badly preserved skull

Referred specimens: SAM 3329 (skull, holotype of Lycaenodontoides bathyrhinus); BPI 174 (skull, holotype of Lycaenops pricei)
Age and Distribution
Horizon: Cistecephalus assemblage zone, Beaufort group, Upper Permian (Wuchiapingian).

Type locality: Karoo basin, South Africa.
Synapsida Therapsida Gorgonopsia Gorgonopsidae
Further Reading
Broom, R., 1911. On some New South African Permian Reptiles: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1911, p. 1073-1082.

Gebauer E., 2007. Phylogeny and Evolution of the Gorgonopsia with a Special Reference to the Skull and Skeleton of GPIT/RE/7113, doctoral dissertation.
Lycosaurus curvimola Owen, 1876; Aelurosaurus curvimola (Owen, 1876); Lycaenodontoides bathyrhinus Haughton, 1929; Lycaenops pricei Broom & Robinson, 1948
A. curvimola, image by Nobu Tamura (click to enlarge)
II Name
Arctognathus breviceps
(Boonstra, 1934)
Skull length: ,Length:
Holotype (SAM 9345): skull
Age and Distribution
Horizon: Cistecephalus assemblage zone, Beaufort group, Upper Permian (Wuchiapingian).

Type locality: Karoo basin, South Africa.
Synapsida Therapsida Gorgonopsia Gorgonopsidae
Further Reading
Boonstra, L. D., 1934. A contribution to the morphology of the gorgonopsia: Annual of the South African Museum, v. 31, part 2, p. 137-174.

Gebauer E., 2007. As above.
Arctognathoides breviceps Boonstra, 1934

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